1-Month USD Fixed / Time Deposit Interest Rates Comparison.7-day USD Fixed / Time Deposit Interest Rates Comparison.USD Fixed / Time Deposits Interest Rate Offer in Virtual Banks (Fusion Bank/Airstar/ZA Bank/WeLab Bank).USD Fixed / Time Deposits Interest Rate Offer in Traditional Banks (HSBC/Citi/BOC/Standard Chartered/CCB).Which Bank Offers Highest USD Time Deposit Interest Rate? Hong Kong Fixed Deposits Interest Rate Overview These banks include HSBC, Citibank, Fubon Bank, Bank of China (Hong Kong), CMB Wing Lung Bank, Dah Sing Bank, Shanghai Commercial Bank, Standard Chartered Bank, DBS Bank, and OCBC Wing Hang Bank, etc. Wanna know which banks offer high-interest, but low-risk USD fixed deposits? To cater to your investment needs, MoneySmart has selected 10 banks to compare their preferential interest rates and entry fees for USD time deposits. The US Federal Reserve’s decision on interest rate has a huge impact on our saving’s earning.